You can't go wrong with one to one sessions. It's a unique, focused and the most reliable way to learn fast. With dedication you can achieve wonders.

  • Price breakdown:

    £440 For 16 sessions/ month that's 4 sessions a week. £220 For 8 sessions/ month that's 2 sessions a week. £110 For 4 sessions/ month that's 1 session a week. The price is discounted for students who are part of our online programmes.

  • Subjects we teach include:

    Quran reading, Hifdh, Qaedah, Tajweed, Arabic calligraphy, Arabic language.

  • This package comes with:

    Detailed feedback on each student after their session. Recording of a session is also provided for revision. All the notes taken during the class are shared with you.

  • How I teach:

    I make sure that my students are learning the right thing with correct methods in the right way that suits them personally. No time wasting. We set targets and aim to achieve them. I aim to give my students the best learning experience. Something they would love to come back to.

  • Booking:

    Sessions are booked on a monthly basis. A session is 30 min long. You can book from 4,8,16 one to one sessions a month. We do have a waiting list, but you can apply today.

  • Timings:

    Flexible, book around your schedule at times that suite you and ustaz Hamza.

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Teacher Ustaz Hamza

With over 300,000+ followers on Tiktok, 40,000+ on Instagram and 100,000+ on YouTube, ustaz Hamza is changing the way students learn Quran | Tajweed | Calligraphy. Being gifted with dyslexia, ustaz Hamza likes to make things visual, simple & fun. A teacher with experience in teaching for over 11 years! Has an Ejazah (Sanad) in Quran from Masjed an Nabawi. Knighted by the prince of Madinah in 2009. Taught in Madinah for 4 years in Masjed-an-Nabawi. Founder of zooM Madrasa 🚀. A part-time Imam and a host of kids Madrasa TV show on Eman channel. Find more details on [about ustaz Hamza] page.